Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Brain Washed

 - This is the link to read Seth Godin's Brain Washed. 

          Acknowledging The Lizard 
          This is an explanation of the emotion of being afraid to be creative to due the fact of embarrassment. That we are limiting our minds in fear of being laughed at. A term to better explain this feeling is "the resistance" we have. This resistance is your inner self that tells you to stay just follow directions and do what you are told. This voice is closely linked to brainwashing. 
          This pillar is the seventh pillar and to me the most important. It is also the key pillar to the other six. It explains that "school" is not over yet that "school" is now. You need to discard what you think you know and instead learn what you need to know, every day. 

      Both of these pillar's are very key to being successful as a creative person. Acknowledging The Lizard is not a problem for me at all. I have always done what I feel is necessary as a creative person and not skewed my attitude according to how I feel people will react to it. Also Learn is a very important pillar, arguably the most important. This is very important in the creative process because there is always something new you can learn and should learn. It shows you to keep an open mind and be willing to learn about everything. And that you do not need to be in a formal school setting to learn but learning happens everywhere, at anytime.

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