Friday, June 3, 2011


          What I believe was our weakness in our presentation was conveying our mechanics to our audience. I believe our game concept was really cool and interesting but I do not believe our audience understood the mechanics of the game or how it was played. If we could have better explained the game play and how it worked and what it was like I believe our presentation would have been extremely better. I also believe our rules were unclear. Our rules seemed to be more of guidelines not rules so if we re-made this presentation in the future to make it better I think we could make some clear cut easy to follow rules. This would be instead of the softer more debatable guidelines/rules we originally had.
           The concept I feel that we made very clear and presented well was our games goals. It was very obvious that we have been shrunken and the main goal is to un-shrink yourself. Also another clear goal is too not get squished. I feel as it is pretty obvious if you are a tiny charter and and angry cat is coming after you, you would not want to be squished, and I feel that our audience understood that.
         The concept I feel like that is the easiest to discuss with other is the objectives. I think this because objectives are so clear but and to the point. Our objective was plain out get back to being full size and do not die. I mean there are more aspects but in a nut shell that is the gamers objective. I feel that they are the easiest to discuss because you can usually some up objectives in one or maybe two clear concise easy to understand sentences. 

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